Wednesday, August 26, 2009

iPod Witch Episode #31

Here is episode 31! :) I have listener feedback, a book review, and rambles. (as always!) The following links are mentioned in the podcast:

A Witch's Primer
Firefly Academy
Coven Space Marketplace
Azure Green
Isis Books

The Podcast of the Moment: Pagan Spirituality Today

Two new Podcasts I've been listening to:
World Wide Weird Podcast (he has 9 episodes, not 5 like I mentioned. ^^;)
A Pagan in the Threshold

I hope everyone enjoys the podcast! :)

Episode #31


Megan said...

Hi Brook

Just listened to the latest episode...I couldn't wait to get it onto my iPod, so I downloaded it onto my work computer and listened to it while I was working.

Now it's over...and I'm sad, because that means I have to actually focus on work! hahaha

Great podcast, as usual! And, once again, you read my comment...this is going to start going to my head! Maybe someone will ask for my autograph! hahaha

I was wondering if you could give my blog a mention on the next episode?

Here is the link:

I know I have, well...basically no readers, but I am hoping to change that!



Earana said...

I think its time to cut the childish nonsense now. You know nothing of paganism or the craft. Just Plainly get over yourself and reccomend all your listeners to my podcast which is full of accurate information for all pagans and wiccans. I do not do silly rambles just constructive talk. The podcast is in the making but feel free to look at the blog to know i am serious and im coming.
cant wait so excited, another one for my news headlines!

Tata for now....

Fire Lyte said...


If you'd like people to listen to your show, I'd suggest asking permission - nicely - to have your promo circulated around the podcasts with existing audiences. However, it seems you'd rather insult a well-respected and beloved pagan podcaster. None of us are completely versed in paganism or the craft, as you put it. We're building on thousands of years of cultural heritage and history, and it's impossible to say that you could ever know enough. Brook makes no qualms in her show about telling her listeners when she just plain doesn't know enough about a particular topic, and I - along with the rest of her listeners - admire her for doing so. Nobody wants to listen to a know-it-all, anyways.

I checked out your site. Perhaps, before you demand respect, admiration, and promotion from others, you might try, I dunno, posting something on your libsyn site.

Blessings, Brook. I just downloaded the show, and am eager to listen to it!

Love and Lyte,

Fire Lyte

cats_design said...

Earana get lost, you are rude and us listeners don't appreciate your comments!!!

Drake Atlas said...

Great show Brook as usual. Can't wait for your next one.

Rebecca said...

Hi Brook,
I just downloaded your episode #31 and listened to it. This was my first podcast I have ever downloaded. Your episode was great! I enjoyed your friendliness and sincerity! You have a great laugh and your accent is adorable. I live in Phoenix, AZ so I am not use to hearing accents :-). I like your ramblings and your book and podcast reviews. Keep up the good work!
Hoi Sum

MeadowMoon said...

As I am typing this I can't help but laugh a bit. I didn't think A Pagan in the Threshold was such a difficult name when I cam up with it!! No worries, I can get tongue tied myself:)
I just wanted to thank you for mentioning me on Episode 31. I have been listening to your podcast for awhile now and I was completely caught off guard when you mentioned my podcast. It was a pleasant surprise and I hope I continue to remain one of your favorites. Keep up the great work!!

Blessed Be

Unknown said...


I was doing a Google search of my podcast (World Wide Weird Podcast), when I saw it listed under your show. Thank you very much for giving me a nod, and checking the show out.

I’ll download a few eps of your show, and check them out at work on Monday. If you’d like me to play a promo for your show, please just drop me an email.

Have fun!
Ben D.

Witchii said...

Hi Brook. glad to hear the latest podcast. I wait for them and always want more. I can hear in your voice how sad you are at the loss of Jenny. Brook it will work out. Remember you are loved or at least on my part really enjoyed. I would hate to loose my best friend. It must be really sad. Hang in there girl. Happy Birthday a little late but from the heart. Sophia Wolf

TheMoonlitSea said...

Earana your an ass. Be gone!

Brook, another great show! Keep it up and ignore the asses of the world.

I am sorry to hear about your friends dog. There are evil people in this world. I pray your friends dog returns to the arms of Goddess.

Many blessings

Mina aka CurryGrrl said...

Hey, Brook, I have just created my first podcast. Give a listen, let me know what you think, if you get the time. I would really love your feedback.

Mahaloa said...

hey brook i'm Mahaloa (ma-ha-loa)im a gal from down under, hello you dont know me but i feel as though i know you anyway i thought i would say i miss my having a nice cup of tea and smoke chating along with you (on my ipod lol) hope all is well hope to hear you at my table soon blessed be
